Re: multiple configs, and --program-prefix

My problem w/ rob0's method is that, as Yuri points out, the subshell now thinks ~ is something it is not, 
which for starters means copying or symlinking .bashrc, etc.

I could not find a configure option for this, so in the src/ directory of the tarball I tried this:

perl -pi -e's/\.mc/.mc2/g' *.*

and then compiled normally and ran make, but not make install -- I just renamed the executable "mc2" (nb. I 
do not use the internal editor!) and copied into /usr/local/bin next to the original mc.

I used the same source for both -- which brings up another question or issue.  I was going to use the latest 
4.7, configured --program-prefix=2, but after the make, all the binaries still had the normal name.  Does 
"make install" add the prefixes?  It does not appear to me from the Makefile that it will, so I did not try.

mc2 appears to run fine and it uses ~/.mc2 as it's config directory.  Yay! I suppose it may take a few days 
to see if it will work out, but I don't think there will be a problem.

I think this would be a nice option and very easy to impliment as a command line option -- I could write a 
patch for it myself, if that is desired and allowed (who should I talk to?).

MK <halfcountplus intergate com>
C/perl/web programmer

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