Re: Mc Digest, Vol 62, Issue 1

Yes, regex is very important, because searching is important.
That's why goog 'controls the world'.

Yet my most frustrating time at the box concerns regex.


== Chris Glur.

It's good that the 2nd arm of the WinTel abusive monopoly has been hit too now.

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: mc v 4.5.55 shows strange bug (Reynir Stefansson)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 17:49:34 +0000
From: Reynir Stefansson <reynirhs isl is>
Subject: Re: mc v 4.5.55 shows strange bug
To: mc gnome org
Message-ID: <4A22C32E 1030603 isl is>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Chris Glur wrote:
It just so happens that I generate/save a lot like:-
which semms ok.

Decoding the 'regex-decoding' in the mc 'script'
is hard work, for me.

After weeks of trying to bribe myself to do so, I finally sat down and
took a look at the regex for man pages.

As far as I can tell, foo.l, foo.n, foo.3, foo.3a and foo.3bar will all
be treated as man pages. Filenames like foo.3.1 and foo.313 will not be
so treated. Probably the simplest solution, assuming machine-generated
and -parsed filenames, is to change the names from 'newsgroup.nnn' to
something like 'newsgroup.1.nnn' or 'newsgroup.00nnn'.

Regex is a write-only languish.

Reynir H. Stef?nsson (reynirhs mi is)
Make love, make war, make cookies. Just not at the same time.

        (Old Amazon saying, "A Different Art" by Gregg Sharp)


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End of Mc Digest, Vol 62, Issue 1

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