Re: GNU Midnight Commander maintainer

I am writing this message to inform you that Pavel Roskin,
the long time maintainer and developer of GNU Midnight Commander,
decided to step down as a maintainer. I hope that you'll join me
to wish Pavel luck in whatever he pursues next.

Absolutely! For me MC is the best file manager available on any
platform. Thanks to the efforts of Pavel, and others, typing the two
 letters "mc" in my terminal instantly increases my productivity.

I agree with that as well - absolutely. mc is the first
package I install after a fresh upgrade/install of Linux. I think mc
should also be included on Linux rescue CD's too. Vi(m) is a pain for
me. AFAIK it has no file or directory browsing capabilities like mc.

thats exactly what I do too, i'm almost useless without it.

ditto (except, I am useless without mc (skip 'almost'))

thanks guys


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