Re: Drop down input history key

On Thursday 07 July 2005 02:36, Roland Illig wrote:
Funny thing, though: I noticed that with Options -> Menu bar
visible unchecked (i.e., no menu bar), clicking anywhere in that
first line, including the <, v, and >, gets me the menu bar. :(

I have the menubar unchecked, too, but clicking on the v of the
_active_ panel works: The history is shown. When the right panel is
active and I click on the v of the left panel, the menu is shown. Do
you get these results, too?

No. Since so much of my work is done in console / konsole, I use bigger 
than normal terminals. My standard width is COLUMNS=100, 128 in Linux 
console. I get the "Right" menu when clicking the left panel's "v" and 
">", or any of the "<", "v", or ">" in the right panel. The "<" in the 
left panel gets me the "Left" menu.

I just did an interesting experiment, shrinking a terminal, COLUMNS=80. 
Now the left panel's "v" and ">", and the right panel's "<" get me the 
"Options" menu. It's position-sensitive. The menus are still there; I 
just can't see them until I click.

Not a bad feature, really, if only the "<", "v", and ">" would work as 

BTW, thanks, everyone: mc is far more than mere software for me, it's
my way of life. :) I see the vi/emacs wars and just laugh to myself.
Who needs to spend a lot of time learning weird commands? mc does it
all, intuitively.

That leads me to another comment. Most projects I've seen have busier 
user lists and less active developer lists. That's not the case here. 
Does that suggest that mc does what the user expects, in a way that the 
user expects it to work? (Or rather, just that no one uses mc? :) I 
hope not!)
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