Re: SCP/SSH from MC?

On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 13:43 -0500, Donofrio, Lewis wrote:
Ok cool folks, I was saving this but here it is:

How do I scp/ssh from MC?

Press [F9] (pull-down menu).
Select either "Left" or "Right" from the menu bar.
Select "Shell link..." from the pop-up sub-menu.
In the text field, enter "/#sh:" + user + '@' + host; e.g.
"/#sh:eddy box"
Near the command line, SSH will prompt for password. Key in your
You should now see the "remote" system in the Left/Right pane.
To copy a file, press [F5].
... it should be straight forward from this point forward.

Hope that helps,

PS: RTFM for more

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