Re: Survey results

Miguel de Icaza wrote:

Well, there is the issue of how to attract Windows people to
use MC.  I am not sure if MC will ever compete on the Windows
world with other alternatives (I have not kept track of the
alternatives on Windows myself), but it would be nice to
encourage the Windows port to be maintained. ?

I tried to install it because some mc-devel users seem to use
it. Unfortunately it didn't "work" on my Windows XP
Professional. On Windows I still use Windows Commander but
on my next boot (may take time) I will install the Cygwin

Rick Lapp wrote:

I've used Windows Commander for about 10 years.  Fantastic
windows program.  I've had dialogue with Christian Ghisler
and he has been working on a Linux version of Commander but
ran into problems that would limit some functions.  I'd like
to see him finish it. ?

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