Re: exec bug ...

FBSD 4.5, MC 4.5.54


On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, Abc Xyz wrote:

when you make CDROM via CD-RW the practicle default permissions for
files/dirs are r-xr-xr-x.
Then it's a bug in your OS.  It should be possible for all non-UNIX
i disagree - it is "mkisofs", the standard image making utility
for CD-ROMs.  it can accept options for files and directories,
but all permissions must be the same - respectively.

filesystems to make all readable directories executable without making
regular files executable as well.  A readable directory on iso9660 or FAT
is a UNIX analog of a readable and executable directory, and should be
interpreted as such by default.
you are correct that one can make files "non-executable",
but that doesn't solve the problem since one may need some
of the files to be executable, since they may need to be
run as such.  mkisofs only allows one set of permissions
for all files.  555 is the only real choice with many
files that have many intended purposes/uses.
if the CD has mp3's or other application specific files, MC tries to
launch them as executables, when it should be launching the application
to open the file.

i think MC should use bindings FIRST, and then if no application exists
(other than default), and it is executable, ONLY THEN try to run the
file as an executable ...
Then it will be impossible or hard to launch an executable that matches a 
binding rule.
that would be fine - since such cases would be poorly named
executables - which are rare - and at the least, stupid.
whereas the problem as exists now, is common, and
a great hinderance to what otherwise is a very
useful program.
i think it isn't being developed anymore, but it should be "finished" as
far as a bug free tool - it is the only one of it's kind - and will be
used by millions into the future.
Even if you think that MC is not developed, please take a good habit of 
mentioning the version of software for which you report the bugs.
yes, i apologize and have made the correction above.
i mentioned this status of development only based
upon previous comments i received when i reported bugs
months ago in the FTP code of MC.  hopefully it will
be continued to be developed - many people find it
the most useful part of their UNIX systems.
Pavel Roskin
thanks, chris

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