commit mailinglist for midnight commander.


As one of the last developers stepped back last week from mc a new development 
team was formed around mc[1]. In order to organise the development we would 
like to have a second mailinglist for the midnight commander where we can send 
commit mails to (e.g. mc-commits gnome org). 
As all other mc related mailinglists are also hosted on it would be 
cool to host this mailinglist also there. Is this possible?


[1]: This team contains some people who formerly forked mc, and some guys who 
maintains mc in distributions (e.g. I'm the maintainer of mc in Debian (and in 
 . '' ` .   Patrick Winnertz <winnie debian org>
:  :'   :   proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems

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