Re: Introducing separate strings for quick bar items

On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 08:18:20PM +0200, Roland Illig wrote:

> I suggest another naming scheme for it, as the "1" has no intuitive 
> interpretation for me in this case.

You're right, I just wrote it because I remember I saw it somewhere (I don't
know where).

> What about "ButtonBar:Quit" or 
> "ButtonBar|Quit"? This scheme would also be extensible to other special 
> cases, like menu strings, dialog boxes, etc.

Nice idea. If it gets widely used in mc, we could even introduce wrapper
functions around _() that return a pointer skipping up to (including) the
first separator character so that we don't have to type "strchr(s, '|') + 1"
over and over again.

I'm not sure at this moment (it's too late in the evening) whether such
things can be done around N_(). Doesn't seem to be trivial.


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