Re: Pixel photos

On Thu, July 11, 2013 5:23 am, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:

Again, thank you for doing these amazing photos on such a short notice.
really appreciate it!

yes! They were really great! :)

Thanks ^_^


I strongly recommend that you list who received the laptops, who they
working for and what they are working on for transparency reasons. If
do not want to do it in the news article, I will blog about it as it is
currently publicly available, which is not particularly open.

I think blogging about it is a great idea - I can do that too. I don't
like it in the press release as I think it reads better this way - naming
the individuals to me sounds like "these people were given laptops", no
matter how much we try to frame it otherwise.

The idea is that these machines will rotate around.

Might be a good idea to have a wiki page like for the events box then, or
suspect it might get forgotten aboutÂ… (lets face it, people are lazy)

Well, Matthias is in charge of the rotation and there's already a waiting
list  :) A wiki page is definitely a good idea I'll try to get that

You have a good point about transparency though and I could add to the
article in who's custody they are right now though, to make clear that
didn't give them to the mob or so.
Is the list below solid?

Yep, I've spoken to all of them except Jasper about it.

Yeah, I confirm that too :)


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