Plan to attend LinuxTag 2012 LinuxTag is a continuously growing, renowned, internationally recognized open source event. Get the latest news and information for professional users, decision makers, developers, beginners and the Linux community. Many open source projects will present their free software. Special events such as the hacking contest, the Kernel-Kwestioning with many Linux developers, Key-Signing-Parties, LPI exams or numerous workshops complete the program. LinuxTag started as a free conference and grew to Europe's largest conference and expo on open source and free software. Our team invests a lot of efforts to create the best mix of news, trends and high quality in-depth presentations at the four day conference. For more information please visit: We hope to welcome you in Berlin! With kind regards, Dorothea Dorothea Baxter LINUXTAG 2012 Europe’s Leading Event for Open Source & Linux May 23-26, 2012 in Berlin, Germany I MESSE BERLIN NORTH AMERICA 520 William Street, Suite E I Fredericksburg, VA 22401 I USA Tel: +1-540-372-3777 I Fax: +1-540-372-1414 I dbaxter exhibitpro com I |