Re: Better quality images in Gnome Live?

Hi Alex,

alex diavatis <alexis diavatis gmail com> wrote:
> Thank you Allan for the fast reply,
> How can I check page history? I can do this only by browsing Recent Changes?

Use the Info link.

> ( last edited by
> McCann.
> Should I contact him?


But first a health warning - many of the mockups we have on the wiki
are extremely tentative. They are work in progress and are often an
unreliable predictor of the final user experience. Many are best
described as sketches rather than designs. They sometimes describe
features which might not happen, or which might take months or even
years to be finally implemented. So be careful about using them. I
would strongly encourage you to contact the designer or maintainer in
question to get some facts about a design before publishing a story
about it.


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