FOSSCOMM 2012 Greece (conference)

Hello team,

FOSSCOMM is the Greek open source conference.
Last year it was in Patras (
I was participating there with a booth and a presentation about the use of Gnome 3 and results of what we do and how contribute to Greek Gnome Community.
Unfortunately, I was alone there. No-one with me at the booth.
I made some flyers how and where to find help of Greek Gnome community and some buttons. Check out the report and the presentation

Well, this year, the same conference it'll be held in Serres (northern Greece and it's near my city).
The exact dates will be 5-6 of May (
I sent a call for papers and help to our mailing list but no-one replied. Since I'll join this conference with openSUSE, I was thinking the following:

1. Make a Gnome corner at openSUSE booth. Do you think it's possible to have some swag-flyers to give away? My openSUSE friends will be in FOSDEM, so if I can have some promo materials, I can ask them to bring them home for me.

2. Regarding presentation, I think by that time, Gnome 3.4 will be released. I can show the new features. I guess my friends in openSUSE-gnome will have a live disk to give. Since I'm graduating Vet medicine, I'm not into deep technical things. Well, I've read only the page of talking points (
I was thinking a bigger presentation though.
Title: Why and how to contribute in Gnome.
Since I'm not the specialist, let the specialists say few words. So I was thinking to create a video of people who contribute, the board and maybe even Miguel de Icaza and Federico Mena (personally I would like them to be the first ones to talk). Just say a few words (3-4 mins each to add as many as possible).
This video will be used in other countries as well (subtitled etc).
Anyways, is there anyone who wants to help me to create something (even technical) to present?

Thanks for your help.
Have a lot of fun!!!

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