Re: Annual Report Status?

On Sat, February 25, 2012 7:33 am, Emily Gonyer wrote:
> Hi all! I've been looking over the wiki for the Annual Report and am
> wondering how things are going for everyone on their respective 'owned'
> projects? Does anyone need help with something specific?
> I did a paragraph for each of the 'big international' events listed on the
> wiki yesterday (
> I'm not sure how much information we were looking for on each of these, if
> thats it or if we'd like a fuller article. If thats the case please let me
> know, and I'll start working on fleshing them out. Otherwise, I'm planning
> on working on a page re: Outreach Program for Women next.

So great, Emily!

I made some small edits to what you wrote up but it looks really good to
me. Does anyone think we should add any other events? I think having the
GNOME hosted events is right for our annual report, as Emily has done. Are
there any others than GNOME.Asia, the Bostom/Montreal Summit and
GUADEC/Desktop Summit that we should include?

We should definitely coordinate anything we write up on the OPW with
Dave's interview of Marina and my promised write up of the statistics from
the recent OPW round. I'm emailing you separately about that.


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