GNOME Plumbing [Was: GNOME Journal]

John Stowers wrote: 
> > I know there are some concerns about customisation and GNOME 3. A few
> > points here:
> >
> >  * Some of us who are involved in marketing have already been pushing
> > for the GNOME tweak tool. We're aware that it needs to become a reality.
> > Would you be interested in working on this? Seriously - we'd love your
> > help.
> Alright, sure. I'll do this tomorrow.

Wow, thanks for the offer of help. It's really appreciated.

I've had some interesting discussions about this recently, and I think
we need to tread very carefully, however.

The danger of a GNOME tweak tool is that it sends the message that GNOME
3 isn't appropriate or ready for some users or use-cases. We need to be
very clear - GNOME 3 is ready. It works without the need to tweak.
(People can install whatever they want on their machines, and they can
play around with them as they see fit, of course.)

My concern is that if GNOME is seen to be producing a tweak tool, it
will appear that we do not have faith in our release, or that the GNOME
3 experience includes the tweak tool itself.

If someone wants to independently write a tweak tool, that's totally
fine, of course. I'm just concerned about such a tool being a part of
the GNOME project's strategy.

John: again, many thanks, and apologies for the wavering!

Best wishes,

IRC: aday on

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