Re: GNOME 3 might be accepted at Linuxcon: Europe..

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 11:53 PM, Juanjo Marin <juanj marin juntadeandalucia es> wrote:
El mar, 28-06-2011 a las 20:55 -0700, Sriram Ramkrishna escribió:
> So it looks like my paper "GNOME 3 - Design Principles for the Next
> Generation Desktop"
> Sriram Ramkrishna / Adam Williamson

It sounds interesting

> A talk on the design behind GNOME 3, a 2 year odyssey from paper to
> reality.  A discussion on the merits of the design and the effects of
> its deployment in Fedora 15.

Though I'm a happy user of Fedora, I'm not quite sure if it's good idea
to bind the GNOME 3 design process with Fedora

The paper is really about what a distro had to go through in terms of say Q&A when using GNOME 3 as the primary DE.  For instance, Adam (the other author) was talking about how they had to go Q&A graphics card against GNOME 3 to make sure they know it worked.  Same sort of deal with suspend.  They want the experience to work with GNOME 3.  So by GNOME pushing for features to just work Fedora was forced to fix hardware problems.  Those are some of the things.  Of course dealing with irate users etc.  I used Fedora simply because it is still the only top distribution using GNOME 3 as the default DE.
> I thought it would be an interesting paper.. as there are some
> background items that Fedora had to do in other to prepare for a
> release of GNOME 3 as the default distribution.

I personally would prefer to touch Design and Fedora adoption as two
different topics.

In actuality it is a little of both.  We are talking about design and then how that design affects a distro.  They can in fact be two different papers, but we can easily do two.

> The problem is that I'm not sure I have the funds to go.  I'm looking
> to see how much the conference will be able to subsidize me.  But
> perhaps GNOME Foundation can do something as well?  If I do go, I
> think doing more than just one paper is required I suspect.. maybe a
> bigger GNOME presence?  Just wondering what would be justifiable.

I think is good idea to have GNOME presence there in LinuxCon Europe
2011. So please subsidize Sri :-)

Ha thanks.. it's not the first time the Foundation has subsidized me for a conference.  Ideally, I would like to see work do it.


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