Re: Can we document how to do GNOME announcements, please?

On 06/08/2011 05:57 PM, Dave Neary wrote:
On the Desktop Summit site, we have just "Desktop Summit schedule
announced" and a second article not aggregated on the front page for the
t-shirt competition.

We are getting left behind at this point, for lack of a good forum.
Dear Dave,

For having managed the news section of GNOME.Asia this year we put all the news on the conference site first and from there the conference committee role was to spread those news through social media sites (each person being responsible for a specific channel) and their own blogs. I think one or 2 "worthwhile" articles was put on front page.
From my small interaction with the desktop summit mailing list it seems 
that there is a desktop summit committee. So why isn't that working? Or 
am I wrong and isn't there a committee?
If you need more insights on how summit does things please do 
not hesitate to ask here or ping me on IRC.
Always happy to be of some help.


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