Re: Q4 Updates Due

Hi Brian,

Might I suggest that you put the actionable stuff right up front? I'd
like to see

"The GNOME Foundation seeking new executive director"

be right at the top.

Afterwards, thanking Stormy & explaining why she left will be 2nd,
annual report 3rd, then budget and t-shirt contest, etc. You could even
add GUADEC & Hackfests to a separate "Events" update.

It's great to see the board having so much to talk about! You'll soon
have to start breaking the report into sub-reports ;)


Brian Cameron wrote:
> I wrote the attached for the board update.  No comments since I sent
> it to the other board members for review yesterday.
> Brian
> On 01/ 5/11 08:05 AM, Paul Cutler wrote:
>> Hi Marketing team!
>> The Q4 team updates are due and we had a bunch of activity over the
>> last 3 months, with Friends of GNOME, GCI, etc.
>> Would anyone like to try their hand at writing the update?  You can
>> see an example of the Q2 update[1] and I'm working to get the GNOME Q3
>> update up later today.  We need to have the Q4 report written in a
>> week by Jan 12th.
>> Thanks for the help!
>> Paul
>> [1]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Re: Q4 Updates Due
> From:
> Brian Cameron <brian cameron oracle com>
> Date:
> Tue, 11 Jan 2011 13:39:05 -0600
> To:
> GNOME Foundation Board <board-list gnome org>
> To:
> GNOME Foundation Board <board-list gnome org>
> Board:
> Here is my proposal for the Board of Directors Q4 Report.  I am just
> sending this to the board so you can review it before I make it more
> public.  Any comments are very much appreciated.  Should we drum up
> GNOME 3 more?  Any videos or anything interesting we should include?
> Is it too long and stuff should be cut out?
> I guess this is due by the end of the week, is that right Paul?
> Thanks,
> Brian
> ---
> Board Report
> By: Brian Cameron
> First of all, the GNOME Foundation board of directors would like to
> express a huge thank you to all you volunteers who help to make the
> GNOME community possible.  To all those who use the GNOME desktop
> and understand the value of free software on the desktop, it is you
> that makes the GNOME community both rich and rewarding.  Thank you
> also to our advisory board members and sponsors for providing much
> valued direction for the community.
> The GNOME 3.0 release is planned for April 6, 2010.  Find a release
> party near you to attend!  There are GNOME 3 Launch events being
> planned aroudn the world.  Emily Chen and the GNOME.Asia team are
> organizing providing GNOME t-shirts and other goodies to those who
> can organize launch events in their area.  The GNOME Launch event
> in Bangalore will also be GNOME.Asia 2011.
> In the past quarter, Stormy Peters stepped down from her position as
> Executive Director of The GNOME Foundation.  The board would like to
> thank Stormy for all of her great work helping to make The GNOME
> Foundation a more effective and better resourced organization.  We
> all wish her the best with her future endeavors!
> The board has been busy trying to keep up with the work with Stormy
> leaving, and the most following important work continued to be the most
> pressing.
>  * Released the Annual Report.  Thanks to Paul and Daniel Galleguillos.
>    Is it not awesome?  The GNOME Marketing team needs more help putting
>    together things like this.
>  * Announced an interest to hire a new Executive Director and are
>    currently reviewing applicants.
>  * GNOME T-Shirt contest:
>     *
>  * The Boston Summit was held over November 6-8 and proved to be a
>    great opportunity for collaboration.  The GNOME Marketing team
>    made good progress on video projects and a great deal of work was
>    focused on the upcoming GNOME 3.0 release and accessibility.
>    Thanks J5!
>  * The GNOME Foundation and KDE e.V. board of directors annoucne
>    the Desktop Summit 2011:
>    Thanks to Andreas Nilsson, Dave Neary and Ekaterina Gerasimova for
>    all the help!  Would be good to get more local GNOME volunteers
>    involved.  Organizers are planning a face-to-face meeting at FOSDEM,
>    probably on Saturday during lunch.
>  * Organized the following GNOME hackfests in the past quarter:
>    - Accessibility at AEGIS conference in Seville (Spain), October,
>      2010.
>    - GTK+ Hackfest in A Coruña (Galicia, Spain), October 18-22, 2010.
>    - Snowy aka Tomboy Online Hackfest held during The Boston Summit.
>    - Development Documentation and Tools Hackfest in Berlin (Germany),
>      December 2-5, 2010.
>    - WebKitGTK+ Hackfest in A Coruña (Galicia, Spain), December 5-12,
>      2010.
>  * Germán Póo-Caamaño, doing a great job as GNOME Foundation treasurer,
>    released our planned 2011 budget for GNOME Foundation community
>    review.
>  * The Friends of GNOME revamp is making good progress, though is behind
>    schedule.  Og Maciel, Paul Cutler, Andreas Nilsson and the GNOME
>    marketing team have been working on this.  Any feedback on the
>    following alpha would be helpful.
>  * The bidding process for the MeeGo GTK+ work closed and the
>    applications have been reviewed.  The chosen bid will soon be
>    announced.  Thanks to Bastien Nocera for doing much of the
>    organizing.
>  * The GNOME Foundation is now selling GNOME branded merchandise through
>    FreeWear.  Check it out:
>  * GNOME a11y project received significant funding:
>  * The GNOME Foundation is making arrangements to use the Egencia
>    Business Travel service affiliated with to make it
>    easier to handle the volume of travel subsidies handled by the
>    Foundation.
>  * Announced an interest to hire contract work to assist with GNOME 3
>    marketing efforts, with a current budget of $5,000 allocated.  Made
>    a call for project ideas and resumes on the GNOME Marketing list.
>  * Womens Outreach Program proving successful!
> Those are just some highlights, so lots of good work is getting done.
> Please help GNOME 3 be a success.  Get involved, join us at a GNOME 3
> launch event or at one of the hackfests currently being organized:
> - Python Bindings Hackfest in Prague, CZ, (January 17-21, 2011)
> - GNOME Asia Hackfest in Bangalore, IN, (March 30 - April 3, 2011)
> - ATK Hackfest in A Coruña (Galicia, Spain) (May 2011)
> These events happen when GNOME community members recognize the need and
> propose them.  If you have an idea or need for a GNOME event, please
> let the board know.
> The GNOME Foundation board of directors very much appreciates when you
> email board-list gnome org to let us know if there is anything The GNOME
> Foundation can do to help or if there are any opportunities that you
> think The GNOME Foundation should know about.  Many different skill
> sets are needed to help GNOME's mission. If you are willing to help,
> there is a diverse set of interesting tasks to choose from. We need you.
> Please also consider becoming a Friend of GNOME.  Your donations really
> do help the GNOME Foundation continue provide support and services
> which help the success of the GNOME project.
> Brian Cameron
> GNOME Foundation Secretary
> On 01/ 5/11 08:05 AM, Paul Cutler wrote:
>> Hi Marketing team!
>> The Q4 team updates are due and we had a bunch of activity over the
>> last 3 months, with Friends of GNOME, GCI, etc.
>> Would anyone like to try their hand at writing the update?  You can
>> see an example of the Q2 update[1] and I'm working to get the GNOME Q3
>> update up later today.  We need to have the Q4 report written in a
>> week by Jan 12th.
>> Thanks for the help!
>> Paul
>> [1]

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org

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