Friends of GNOME website copy

(Oops, must have hit a shortcut key for send, sorry about that)

Anyone want to take a try at updating some of the copy on the Friends of
GNOME[1] website?

It currently says:

Thanks to donations, in 2008 we were able to:
      * Run an Accessibility Outreach Program that resulted in 6
        long-term tasks completed with three more on going in
        documentation, magification and mouse control through a webcam.
      * Organise a GTK+ hackfest that was widely seen as successful for
        getting the GTK+ developers in the same place and was essential
        to planning the future of GTK+. We plan to build on this success
        by using the hackfest
      * Grow our world-wide community of developers, including holding
        our first GNOME.Asia in Beijing last October.

We should update that for 2009.  Maybe talk about GCDS and some of the

If you create the words, I'll commit it in Git.  :)




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