GNOME & KDE - some personal remarks


 I'm going to share a couple of personal remarks regarding GNOME and KDE. 

 #  The Message. I'm going to deceive myself on this one and use "made to 
share" based on the initial impact it causes when someone opens our webpage, 
this is interesting because it completely obliterates "GNOME: The Free 
Software Desktop Project". Once more I don't want to be disruptive, but this 
sentence "the free software desktop project" isn't very catchy neither 
appellative to someone who just arrives in search of information

 "KDE - Be free" -
 "GNOME - Made to share" -

 Both of this are actually very good, and start defining a positioning between 
GNOME and KDE. GNOME establishing himself on "sharing" and KDE on "freedom".
 This is most likely a segmentation point for users based on cultural, social 
and technological concepts they have. The good point on KDE's "freedom" it's 
the proximity of therms with "free software", which once more is countered 
with "sharing", at some point it can be associated with the old battle moto 
"free as in freedom of speech, not free as free beer", at least to me makes 
sense to be understood as "sharing" if we face it from the open source 
software point of view. GPL itself cries out loud for "sharing".

 They are both very well achieved. So I would presume that "The Free Software 
Desktop Project" could be someone sorted out.

 #  The thirst of the newcomer...

 I would suppose that most people that arrive to already have an 
idea of what GNOME actually is. I don't background data to support this, but 
let's take as true: The majority of visitor's are seeking a Graphical Desktop 

 The first thing people will look for is screenshots; based on KDE and GNOME 

 There isn't such a link in our webpage, there is a screenshot, eventually the 
easiest one to find is preset at:
notes/2.28/. Fair enough, a screenshot on the release notes.

 KDE concept on this is far more developed. They do present a screenshot 
section, and they actually focus the new releases with the size they use on 
their initial splash captions. They also pass on to the user an idea of 
background history. They are very appealing on this screenshots, and everyone 
trying KDE with normal supported hardware (lets say supported video card any 
GL flavour) will not feel deceived when trying it.

 GNOME on the other hand, passes a clear idea of being an alternative to other 
existing products. The release version number might be deceiving supported. 
The screenshot itself it maybe appealing for people who already simpathize 
with GNOME, but I would believe newcomers would be more sensitive to KDE. They 
both offer different technology and different philosophies/concepts. 

 I would mention aswell, that at the current stage, either GNOME or KDE are 
much more appealing with compiz. This is better seen on youtube, then actually 
in any screenshot.

 I would suggest, since we lack a section of screenshots, that if the 
"philosophy" doesn't come in the way we could have a section of seeing GNOME 
live, this could easilly done with videos feating GNOME at it's best. This 
could also have smaller sub-sections with other kinds of media, like tutorials 
oriented for developers (we should stimulate developers and students to use 
our technology). 

 I would recon this point would be something marketing could explore a lot.

 #  GNOME.ORG / KDE.ORG concept

 Based once more on the inital splash page of GNOME and KDE, one thing pops 
out immediatly:

 KDE.ORG is a product page.
 GNOME.ORG is a community webpage. 

 Once more positioning of GNOME and KDE go different way. GNOME establishes a 
set of links to community  interest and KDE pop's product. KDE focus in first 
place through it's menus:

 A description of the product (what is KDE)...
 Aims to what they believe positions them for their target "consumers", eye 
candy (Screenshots)...
 This one is pro... TRY, INTERACT WITH US... Try KDE.
 They then pass on some more accurate info, they segment this information for 
current users, press, announcements, history, legacy, etc. This is actually 
very good aswell. As depending on what takes you to their page, information is 
easy to find.

 GNOME on the other hand, focuses a new release, presents information for the 
community to the community. And presents some community links related to 
 My personal view is that KDE pretends to be a Conquering Product: Try us and 
then join us. While GNOME pretends to appeal people to join the community and 
share with us.

 The lines of philosophy are very clear at this point. A good part of 
positioning is already set here. If it's right or wrong, I do don't but this 
is the feeling I get by myself.

 # The Community

 This part based on KDE webpage is well structure for them. They establish a 
code of conduct, while is actually good. They present themselfs, offer 
information and then they offer clean access to mailing lists, forums, 
availability of merchandise, etc. This is pretty neat, because it offers 
direct inter-action with the visitor.

 GNOME on the other hand provides a different set of things. There is access 
to mailing lists, project oriented page links, etc. Actually GNOME demands 
more interaction from users. Navigation is harder for the newcomer and 
suggests you already know what you came there for. At some point the degree of 
interaction is limited to mailing lists and IRC, and I would recon that IRC 
can be most likely more intimidating.

 I could go on and continue with more differences. But I felt I should point 
this out and eventually confront people and suggest they shared their views 
and if this is actually how we pretend it to be.


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