Re: wgo pages


Side note: I think selling a "desktop" is a very tough task as it's a
too abstract concept for end users. What they "see" is Ubuntu, Fedora,
openSUSE, etc, not a desktop environment running on an operating
system. Anyway, not saying it's not possible. Just making sure it's
clear to everyone that this is a challenging task which will demand a
lot of work and creativity to get right.

I always think that a good desktop integrates well with the web.  I
think Apple does a good job in creating a default web experience which
relates to the usability design of the desktop itself.  Because some
HTML content is viewed locally, such as with gtk-doc API documentation,
it is good to have good standards on how the web or HTML experience
relates to usability.

It think it would be a very useful output if this discussion generated
some improvements in the GNOME HIG document.


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