Re: GNOME Marketing kick-off brainstorming event at Collaboration Summit?


I hope you will also add Linuxconf, and Linux Plumbers Conference to
your list.  Both linuxconf and plumbers will be held at the same time in
Portland in September both are Linux Foundation initiative.  If you have
any questions let me know, I'm on the organizing committee.  In
addition, we have the X developers conference that same week.

Information is here:

Linux Plumbers Conference
23-25 September 2009
Portland, Oregon USA


BTW, I may have sent a separate message, but it's been an hour now and
Ihaven't seen it.  So sorry for any duplication.


On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 15:28 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi,
> I will be there I hope, and would of course participate.
> Stormy Peters wrote:
> > Will you (or could you be) at the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit?
> > 
> > I'd like to have a brainstorming/kickoff event for GNOME Marketing team. I'd
> > like to talk about:
> > 
> >    - Who are target audiences are
> >    - How we define GNOME to those audiences. (I think "What is GNOME?" is a
> >    marketing question we desperately need to solve.)
> >    - What we'd like those audiences to do. (Use GNOME, spread the word?,
> >    build it into their products, give us money, ???)
> >    - What we'd like to stand for.
> >    - How we plan to get the message out.
> >    - Strategies to reach those audiences/markets in 2009.
> >    - Anything else we should talk about?
> I'm not saying this should be the definitive answer, but several years
> ago I wrote a series of blog entries on this which I think is still
> relevant:
> In addition I gave a presentation at FOSDEM more oriented communication
> (stuff to do to spread GNOME) which I have uploaded to slideshare:
> If I remember correctly I said that repeatedly discussing existential
> stuff like "What is GNOME" was no longer productive, and that we should
> move on to an actual "doing stuff" phase.
> The doing stuff can be top-down or bottom-up.
> Top-down stuff includes things like providing budget, infrastructure,
> servers & bandwidth, and co-ordinating disperse efforts (think spread
> firefox).
> Bottom-up stuff is everything else (the "actual work"). Meeting people.
> Writing books & articles. Giving presentations to LUGs and universities
> and conferences. Lobbying local politicians to make them aware of free
> software at a city level. These kinds of things should be totally
> decentralised, except in so far as there is value to all in knowing what
> you're doing and who you're talking to.
> On the top-down stuff, we're not in terrible shape. We're missing some
> things like demo storyboards which I think would be useful - but at
> least on accessibility we now have some good material there too (see
> Willie Walker's screencasts and my "digital ramps and handrails"
> presentation).
> We could certainly get more and better quality material here - I'd love
> to see a couple of more storyboards & demos for things like "Just Works"
> stuff in GNOME, one on developer tools, and some fact sheets & tours of
> individual packages like Gnumeric, Abiword, Rhythmbox, ... - more
> web-casts, but also reproducable stuff where anyone can download the
> sample files used in the tutorial and follow a script while explaining
> what's happening.
> Aside from that, we have the wiki, a dedicated mailing list for
> representatives from user groups (currently underused I might add),
> event boxes allowing the easy set-up of conference stands, a dedicated
> server (run by GNOME Hispano) for GNOME user groups, some merchandising
> that we can bulk-buy & ship out to people on demand, and a budget. So
> we're not in terrible shape.
> What I missed at the time, and what is really the bridge between these
> two, is recruitment. This is both bottom-up and top-down. We can be
> actuvely recruiting people to communicate about GNOME at a local level,
> in the way we find people to man GNOME stands in conferences.
> On the bottom-up stuff we're doing less well (but perhaps we're just not
> doing as well presenting it?).
> On a personal note, in 2008, I gave presentations on GNOME accessibility
> in 3 different conferences, and at a local library here in Lyon, I have
> worked with Handicap International here in Lyon, and hope to start
> working with them getting one of their patients set up with a 100% free
> software solution, I have signed a book deal to write a GNOME Mobile
> book to come out early 2010, I helped man GNOME stands at 3 different
> conferences (Solutions Linux, RMLL, JDLL), and was the organiser for one
> of those, and I have written a regular bi-monthly set of articles on
> GNOME technologies and news for a popular French magazine, and
> occasional columns for a popular UK magazine.
> Looking at the GNOME calendar in Google Calendars
> we had a presence in the following conferences in 2008:
> January:
> Solutions Linux
> February:
> COPU Developers Summit, China
> March:
> Bossa
> Idlelo3 (not sure if we had anyone there in the end)
> April:
> Collaboration Summit
> May:
> LinuxTag
> July:
> September:
> Maemo Summit
> October:
> Ohio Linux Fest
> Boston Summit
> GNOME Forum, Brasil
> November:
> Speck hackfest
> December:
> Now, I know this isn't exhaustive. On top of that, I also remember
> SCALE, the GTK+ summit, the user interface summit, a conference in
> London, another couple of conferences in France, my presentation to the
> municipal library in Lyon, and I'm doubtless missing many others too.
> A good step to better fulfilling our central role is to clarify
> communication channels, and to really get this calendar rolling as a
> reference for all things GNOME. An aggregator of everything written
> about GNOME outside the domain (things like Paul Cooper's
> interview a couple of weeks ago) would also be brilliant. As a stop-gap,
> everything tagged with "gnome press" in gets aggregated on
> (a site we don't really publicise that much).
> I agree that there are more substantial questions that we can focus on
> as an organisation, things which work well as a top-down marketing
> (notably, handling our relationships with the press and enterprise and
> lobbying governments and distributors). But we really have a huge amount
> of stuff that we can attack right away by doing better with one task:
> recruit advocates.
> Cheers,
> Dave.

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