Re: Foundation Spokespeople (was FW: "Private Foundation-List" Petition for referendum)

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 5:06 AM, Lefty (石鏡 ) <lefty shugendo org> wrote:
> On the vaguely related note of "stuff we discussed at GUADEC but haven't
> done much about", the point was raised on the foundation-list by Miguel that
> we don't have a line-up of representatives to respond to press stories such
> as the recent coverage of the set-to on that list over Planet GNOME.

I think there's a page on the GNOME site with a list of PR contacts here:

It does need to be updated, I passed some info on to Stormy and I
think she's passed that on to the right parties.

We should also verify that the people on the page are still current
with GNOME & ready to answer typical questions.

> I could _possibly_ put together a quick media training session, on the order
> of 90 minutes or so, but--for better or worse--it's the kind of thing that
> needs to be done face-to-face: I can't do it either on the phone or via
> email. Maybe at GUADEC this summer?

Also volunteering for this. I have a bit of experience in this area as
well. :-)

> Relatedly, we need a list of media contacts, and a plan for cultivating more
> of them.

Yep. Since we seem to be putting in a CRM system already, it would be
good to start putting people in there, I think.

Press lists do tend to go out of date quickly. I'm willing to help
curate this a bit.



> ------ Forwarded Message
>> From: David Schlesinger <lefty shugendo org>
>> Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 03:19:52 -0800
>> To: Miguel de Icaza <miguel novell com>, Behdad Esfahbod <behdad behdad org>
>> Cc: foundation-list <foundation-list gnome org>
>> Conversation: "Private Foundation-List" Petition for referendum
>> Subject: Re: "Private Foundation-List" Petition for referendum
>> On 12/15/09 1:25 PM, "Miguel de Icaza" <miguel novell com> wrote:
>>>     Perhaps what we do need is for the board to have a stronger
>>> connection to mass media and be ready to articulate public responses
>>> properly framing discussions and correcting any incorrect reporting.
>> Actually, this is something I'd suggested in the Marketing BoF at the last
>> GUADEC: GNOME needs people who (ideally) have been media trained, have
>> appropriate contacts, and are willing and able to talk to press
>> representatives when needed. I volunteered to be one, I don't know whether
>> that are others, but we haven't followed up on it so far...
> ------ End of Forwarded Message
> --
> marketing-list mailing list
> marketing-list gnome org

Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier <jzb zonker net>
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