Re: Marketing, GNOME 3.0 and subteams

Thanks for the feedback. A few remarks:


On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org> wrote:

> I think we need to think about why we want end-users to use GNOME 3.0. Or
why we want them
> to use GNOME at all. Those are the messages we can market. (And we know
these, freedom,
> accessibility, usability, etc.)

To be frank, these are no benefits. For a potential user, it begs the
question: "Why should I care whether GNOME3 is "free", "accessible" or
"usable"? Millions of people use other desktops that are supposed to be
"less free", "less accessible" or "less usable" and yet these millions of
people do just fine. (And speaking freely, these can't stand against the
other important feature of a desktop: ubiquity.)

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