Re: Some musings on marketing and GNOME 3.0.

On 4/12/09, Luis Villa <luis tieguy org> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Diego Escalante Urrelo
>  <diegoe gnome org> wrote:
>  > On 4/11/09, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me> wrote:
> >> When people buy a Mac, they aren't just buying a machine they are buying
>  >> into a lifestyle (or so they want you to believe. :-) and into an exciting
>  >> ecosystem of "beautiful things".  We need to do something similar in our
>  >> approach to GNOME 3.0.  Specifically, we should try to do a number of
>  >> things:
>  >>
>  >
>  > Agree. Mac doesn't even run lots of apps by usual windows users, yet
>  > they don't mind because they have something 'cooler'. They buy status.
>  > Now, we have the disadvantage of not costing more money :-) (refer to
>  > all those analysis about free (not software limited) perceived as
>  > worse, etc).
> They primarily buy an excellent user experience. The status comes from
>  that. If you haven't internalized that the primary reason for their
>  success is the beginning-to-end excellent user experience, and
>  thinking it is about cost or status or... whatever... you're not
>  grokking why apple is successful.

Agree, by buying status I meant buying something "cooler" (cooler
coming from precisely that, user experience, packaging, look, etc),
you can buy a powerful PC but still not get the same experience, nor
finish, etc.
My last comment was mostly a separate thing, badly written.

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