Re: Software Freedom Day


Couldn't we just set up the website so that on particular calendar days,
it automatically has some nice default information to display?  Then we
wouldn't have to worry about forgetting such important days like
"Software Freedom Day".  It would be best if we could replace or augment
the default text with additional information if we want for a particular

Such a calendar on the main GNOME website could also highlight upcoming
events or other activities that are useful to promote.

Just to expand and agree with your idea.


Dave Neary schrieb:
1. A set of ideas on low-pmaintenance stuff we can do for this type of thing
2. A list of people with the skills to do these things
3. someone/a small group to be aware of upcoming things, and co-ordinate
This sounds like a good task for marketing crew. We could make a list on
a wiki page where people can add events, too. The somebody could send a
list of upcoming events to some lists like marketing and the foundation
board some weeks before an event so there would be enough time to veto
and/or prepair things.

As I am writing this, I read the renewed page. So you already have a calendar.
Do you think adding more general events would be finde. As I think GNOME
user groups is maybe the right slot for those events - then spreading to
the general GNOME page. This list should contain worldwide events that
GNOME supports wholeheartedly and likes its users to know about or maybe
use as a local action. This would/could be:

* Software Freedom Day
* Stop Software Patents world Day (which is today)
* Document Freedom Day (promotes open document standards, which is what
GNOME also supports I guess)
* Anniversaries of GNOME, GNU, Linux kernel, X11, ...
* New GNOME releases, thats already happening. Maybe we could add a
countdown like "Only XX days till the release of GNOME 2.24" ?
* I would also consider releases of distros to be mentioned as this
means that GNOME users get a new GNOME (much more than the release of a
new GNOME does). So one could announce like: "A new Ubuntu is out. With
that Ubuntu users get the new GNOME 2.24", same for Fedora and others.

BTW - maybe we could have a simple solution for also that
includes a kind calendar . If wgo would have a space for something like
announcement banners and one could plan what is in that banner - one
could work very early  on what will appear. Those banners could also
like to which again could explain what
that is and how GNOME users can get involved.

Another thing that strikes me on WGO: I do  not see any link to  an
"Events" page. But there are still two links to Support page.

I could create this page - everybody could review - and I also could
send a list of events  to this list. Those could be discussed here also
and maybe adding those to the calendar would also be a nice idea. For
local events I would suggest that the national GNOME organizations do
such stuff - so like Linuxtag in Germany is something the german team
should work on.


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