Re: Working Draft

On 3/5/07, Dave Neary <bolsh gnome org> wrote:
Am I the only one who doesn't get excited by the prospect of being able
to see my disk usage as a ring chart?

Well actually I only use such an application when my hard disk is full, which now only happens rarely (when Beagle gets wild on my old laptop). And I think this is something less and less users will see. So I really don't think this is an exciting application at all. Its a geeky tool.

I think that a lot of the stuff we've got in there at the moment is
interesting to a very small portion of our constituency - Baobab, Bug
buddy, ...

Bug-Buddy also is a tool you should only see when your application has crashed. Nothing one should be happy abput. Making it better shure is a good thing but I prefer it when my apps are running and I do not think "wow, nice, my app crashed nice to see bug-buddy again". ;-)

"Epiphany uses more Tangoified icons" -> "the GNOME web browser looks
better than ever"

Cutting out the referenceTango is not that nice. And I also think that the Tango icons primarily are not  ment to be prettier but more standardized.

"Evince has a history feature" -> "Track changes in your documents with
the GNOME document viewer"

Ah and I thought that was a history function, So it really is a revision function? "History" for me is what you find in a browsers history menu (open recent documents).

On the rest I do agree.



Thilo Pfennig

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