
Lest year, Eitan Isaacson and Brad Taylor manned a GNOME stand during
SCALE, and it was grand. We were just opposite KDE, and showed off the
N800 doing a video call to Celeste Paul from KDE (almost converted her,
I swear).

This year, SCALE is on from the 8th to the 10th of February, and Eitan's
not available to take the lead again, so I'm looking for a volunteer in
the LA area who's willing to be the point man for the stand - which
means requesting and taking care of the GNOME event box, setting up the
stand & taking it down, and making sure that there's someone there all
the time. Also helping recruit others :) You'll need at least 2 people
to man a stand, and the more the merrier.

Traditionally, we have not had many activists in California - so if you
are a GNOME enthusiast in California, now would be a nice time to
introduce yourself :) If you're not available yourself, but know someone
living in the region who might be able to help, please send me a mail
introducing me.


Dave Neary
dneary free fr

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