Re: Re-inventing the GNOME Marketing team

2007/4/24, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com>:
My suggestion is that we really try to keep it to small, easily
accomplishable objectives.  I think what we have is a very small
active number of contributors and a lot of people who contribute
to discussion.

Second this thought. I suggest that we do a IRC meeting and discuss two things:
* Overall movement forward
* "Small tasks" program

I agree that we are more talking than doing - and even worse, as I,
just listening and saying nothing - so we must create very small,
doable tasks and asign them to the people who wants them - afaik web
page is already is written by such method. We must just keep some
wiki/etc stuff for people to check out progress and see if there is
open tasks to do.

just my thoughts,

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