Re: Another online survey

BTW Lets not forget Foresight Linux which ships GNOME by default and
has been gaining in popularity.  In fact, Ken Vandine, the person
who built the distro is also a GNOME Journal contributor and a big
GNOME person..

I think we're going to see some good things from this distro.

I'd like to see livecd's of this and ubuntu and use them as what an
integrated GNOME solution would look like.  This would be a good sell
to enterprise customers.

Also, we should also push for some of the cool stuff like Galago/Presence
where you could hook that stuff to batch farms as way to do autoconfig
on when a machine could participate in a batch pool for whatever reason
kind of like SETI stuff but presence aware.  Putting these into 
things like Foresight Linux (which is about bleeding edge) would make
great technology demo.


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