Re: List of GNOME articles

On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 12:56 +0200, Claus Schwarm wrote:
> Hi!
> Would you mind extending the description of the wiki page a little bit?
> For example, should we also link non-english articles, or articles where
> GNOME is mentioned as a part of a distribution (a few days ago,
> spiegel-online had an article about Ubuntu and mentioned GNOME, for
> example).
> Should listed articles be downloadable? Or is it suffficient to let
> others know about its existance?

It all sounds good to me. Let's add what we know about and
remove/recategorise stuff if we have to much.

Print magazines don't often put their articles online, but it's still
nice to know about them.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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