Re: Logo/image guidelines

On Thu, 2005-07-07 at 20:37 +0200, Claus Schwarm wrote: 
>  * It may also lead to a consolidation of the marketing material we
>    currently have. It may prevent that designers reinvent the design
>    wheel al the time.
> IMHO, such a style guide would be very valuable. It may also contain a
> broader definition: An 'official' color palette seems useful to prevent
> design breaks for images on or in broschures, for example.

The GNOME Women project is still in the process of coming up with a
logo. At a bare minimum, some guidelines for incorporating the GNOME
logo with other text for GNOME project logos (e.g. GNOME Love, GNOME
Marketing, GNOME Women, etc) would be good; e.g. my old university's
style guidelines [1] has a specification for using the university logo
for creating a logo for each of the different schools (School of
Engineering, School of Science, etc.) Specifications like that would
make coming up with a GNOME project logo simpler, and the projects'
logos would have a unified look.

One other guideline I'd like to see - is it ok to just say Gnome, or
does it always have to be GNOME? ;-)



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