Re: real marketing or just catchy slogans?

En/na Dave Neary ha escrit:

> Activity on mailing lists and bugzilla is the best way to do that. And
> getting to know the developers involved :)

Right, but mailings lists and bugzilla are not the best interface for
newcomers. And non mailinglistsandbugzilla channels are not the best
interface to deal with GNOME developers.

We have a problem of interface and the marketing team is in between (and
the webhackers too).

Please note that marketing people are possibly even more reluctant to
dive into mailing lists and bugzilla. And wikis. People like Santiago
may hear from us through rss feeds and planets, and any other web based
interface with a proper structure & layout, and a reasonable usability.

This means we have a structural problem here: in order to get the people
that will help us to change/improve our structure and interface we need
to change first our structure and interface.

Santiago, if you didn't get any proper answer to your questions it was
because all the factors exposed now plus a main factor of time and
dedication of the marketing team members. Most of us are primarly
involved in other parts of the project, we love this corner of GNOME but
we spend time and energies when we have them. IMHO the main problems of
the marketing team would be solved just by getting more people like you
willing to collaborate.

We have a problem of human resources as well.  :)

But... even if you crash here and want to help it's not easy to do so
becauste there is a lack of main objectives and strategy. This is the
same reason because it's not easy to collaborate even if you are a GNOME
insider or even a marketing team regular contributor. Our current
objectives and strategy have been mainly individual. Luis thinks this is
important and he invests time on it. Dave thinks that is important and
does the same. Jeff, Murray, Sri, Quim... add yourself to the list.
But... where are the common objectives and strategy? What are the 5 main
challenges to be achieved by the merketing team in 2006? We can't even
have a version control system to show our progress (were we 6 months ago
in 1.2? Are we in 1.3 already or just messing 1.2.4?)

As a conclusion, we have a problem of interface, structure, human
resources, objectives and strategy. Not bad.  :)  The good news is that
we have a great product: GNOME. Many marketing teams are just in the
opposite solution: as a team they are great and well organised but they
need to sell crap.

I much prefer our situation. If only we would have 2-3 team challenges
to achieve, and making explicit they are our priority over the next months.

A roadmap, the developers call it.

Quim Gil -

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