Ubuntu qualitative research resources


I just found a qualitative study about 'Wining the desktop' [1] and
'What Windows users want' [2], and I found its initial results very

Basically, the method (or the results) could be applied to GNOME, too.

For example, it might result in a nice 'What apps is GNOME is looking
for to include?' paper/wiki page. Looking at the results, a stand-alone
download manager that includes dealing with Bittorrent files, could be
one idea.

Such a page might be helpful to reduce disappointments during the GNOME
module inclusion discussions, too.

I think it's worth a read. Comments welcome.

Cheers, Claus

[1] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WinningTheDesktop

[2] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WhatWindowsUsersWant

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