Gnome and KDE translation comparison

I analyzed the Gnome and KDE translation lists.


General Stats:

There are 93 languages supported by at least one project.

Gnome partially or fully supports around 72.  KDE partially or fully
supports around 76.  (So each project supports around 20 languages that
the other has 0% support for.)



1) Gnome has 27742 total strings while KDE has 69886 total strings. 
That is 2.5 times as many!  Does KDE just have that much more software? 
Can duplication of software (kate, kedit, etc.) at least partially
explain this?  Does KDE take something into account that Gnome doesn't?

2) On average across all 95 languages, Gnome has translated 51.3% of its
strings and KDE has translated 41.1% of its strings.

3) Based on percentage of strings translated, Gnome beats KDE in 56
languages, and KDE beats Gnome at 39 languages.

4) And finally, the languages that can be talking/selling points for
Gnome (defined as either a significant lead or as 100% support when KDE
does not have 100% support):

Albanian (100% vs 2%)
Arabic (98.6 vs 36.2)
Azerbaijani (93.1 vs 27.4)
Basque (83.3 vs 30.3)
Belarusian (66.6 vs 16.2)
Bengali (90.2 vs 28.5)
Brazilian Portuguese (100 vs 96.9)
Canadian English (100 vs 0 eh?)
Croatian (78.7 vs 41.8)
Czech (100 vs 64.9)
Finnish (99.7 vs 67.7)
Greek (98.9 vs 43.3)
Gujarati (100 vs 0)
Hindi (83 vs 69.1)
Indonesian (68.2 vs 11.3)
Japanese (100 vs 83.8)
Korean (92.2 vs 17.2)
Limburgish (14.9 vs 0)
Lithuanian (92.6 vs 28.9)
Macedonian (66.8 vs 3.8)
Malay (80 vs 12.5)
Malayalam (22.9 vs 0)
Marathi (11.2 vs 0)
Mongolian (76.2 vs 24)
Nepali (28 vs 0)
Norwegian Bokmal (97.2 vs 0)
Norwegian Bookmal (94.4 vs 82)
Norwegian Nynorsk (82.6 vs 64.5)
Oriva (10.8 vs 0)
Panjabi (100 vs 0)
Persian (28.1 vs 0)
Romanian (84.7 vs 46)
Serbian Jekavian (17.7 vs 0)
Turkish (99.8 vs 71.8)
Turkmen (15.6 vs 0)
Welsh (85.5 vs 51.4)

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