Re: random idea- cvs overviews for gnome journal?

On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 22:25 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 03:50:00PM -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
> >> Would it make sense to do a monthly (or weekly) review of cvs-commits
> >> traffic to get the highlights out into gnome-journal (and hence the
> >> public) and to provide sources for feature lists for the release notes?
> >>
> >
> > I'll leave that to Jim since he's the editor. :-)  I suspect that he'd
> > be happy to accomdate it if someone will do the work.
> >
> >> This would be potentially be a high-dedication but high-reward project
> >> for someone. It could also be broken up by module into tasks for several
> >> people, if they wanted to.
> >
> > Does Subversion have good metadata that we could do to make this easier?
> > Maybe a good driver towards using Subversion (like KDE is moving towards)
> > for all this.  Because it does seem like a lot of work.  A good project
> > for someone who has good skills in XML stuff I think.
> >
> > I still get the cvs commit summaries, but they are just stats
> > about who are the top committers, and what module was the most active
> > it doesn't provide a lot of detail unfortunately.  I could follow up
> > on it if people want me to and see how it gets generated.
> Surely if you want to see what's happened to a module over a certain
> amount of time, you should just look at the ChangeLog, or NEWS if it's
> being updated. Maybe a script could do a diff on all NEWS files between a
> new checkout and one from a month ago.

At least for me, a few minutes a night as opposed to big sets of
changelog diffs at the end of a week (or month) would be easier; that's
why I proposed it that way. But yeah, lots of other ways of getting the
same effect :)


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