Example media files

In my opinion, the weakest link with Demo LiveCDs now is how they are
mostly devoid of media.  You boot up a cool new Linux system, and you
open up all these great programs (Rhythmbox, OpenOffice, Inkscape, etc.)
and you stare at a blank page, or your empty song collection.

Maybe you type a few words into OpenOffice or draw a rectangle or two in
Inkscape.  "Eh," you say, hardly impressed.

What I'd like to see is a rich media experience in a LiveCD.  I'd like
to see at least one of each media file format in plain view when the
user first logs in (so probably on the desktop or in a folder on the
desktop).  An MP3, a PDF, an OpenOffice text document, spreadsheet, and
presentation, an SVG file, a movie trailer (or IBM Linux ad?), an image
ripe for GIMPing.  These also serve to demonstrate Nautilus' cool
thumbnails, kind of like this:


When opened, each file would demonstrate cool features in the respective
applications.  And let's not miss any opportunity to use the content
itself to talk-up Linux, GNOME, or the application they are looking at.

It should be easy enough to find appropriate music, movie, and picture
files.  The ones with text will take the most work.

I'm attaching a first draft of an OpenOffice Writer Example document.
(I'm not entirely sure attachments work on this mailing list. If not,
I'll post it on a website.)

At once, the user learns about OO.o, why it's cool, and what it can do,
while also SEEING many of the features on the page.  Immediately, they
are impressed by OO.o and also feel confident telling their friends
about what OO.o can do, which would be less likely to happen if they had
simply banged out a few letters into an empty page then closed the

Well, that's the goal anyway. ;)  It certainly could be improved.

Please send comments on both the idea and the file.  If anyone here is
involved with a LiveCD project (Jeff?), I would like to hear whether
they think this sort of things could happen.


Attachment: OpenOffice_Writer_Example.sxw
Description: OpenOffice Writer document

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