Re: Markers and Popovers

Hey guys,

Development of markers and bubbles is happening here [1], wip/bubbles branch.

Here [2] is an screenshot of the UserLocationMarker and UserLocationBubble.

Enjoy it!


2014-05-22 16:19 GMT-03:00 Mattias Bengtsson <mattias jc bengtsson gmail com>:

Den 22 maj 2014 17:45 skrev "Damián Nohales" <damiannohales gmail com>:

Hello guys!

Yeah, haha, I'm very messy while crafting UMLs, mainly because I
usually use it as a draft to get an idea. But basically, the private
methods should be protected and _ prefixed, I'll change it in a

No problem, I just wasn't sure of your intents. :)

Yeah, I have the same question. We should always have access to the lat
and lon
right? So positioning should just be a matter of getting the x and y
the ChamplainView and creating a rect?

The thing is, mostly all markers are positioned using the
ChamplainMarker::set_location method, then I saw the Rishi POIRenderer
class and he use raw positions (using ClutterActor::set_position
method), relative to tile position.


Maybe this case, POIRenderer should set position by hand or using a
callback to set the marker position (by default this callback calls
set_location), I called this callback positioningAlgorithm, an
optional construction parameter. How to deal with this?

I think the way to do this is to just make those markers be these new
MapMarkers, Rishi seemed to agree here. Will this work?

5) I'm not sure entirely how the overlay should come to the popover,
maybe add it back to the mapView and have it there as a property?
not sure.

We could also go with making mapView inherit from GtkOverlay.

1) I think you can drop the Generic in front of Poi{Marker, Popover}
2) MapMarkerPopover → MapPopover
3) Maybe replace all Popover-instances with Bubble instead, since then
we know that we're talking about the bubbles in the map and not the
popovers in the headerbar etc.

Ok, I'm going to fix that.


What is the point of the createUI function of the MarkerPopover?

_init set the place property and calls to createUi, this avoid to
forgot the parent _init method and you should only implements
createUi. It's just the same thing, we can create the UI components in
_init, after call this.parent(params) and do it without createUi.
Hmmm... now that I think of it, implements _init in the child classes
allows to customize the parent constructor parameters. So, I'm going
to remove createUi.

Ah understood. Yeah that seems better.

Isn't related to Poi markers? a user usually do the check-in to a bar,
restaurant, hotel, etc. Anyway, the "dialogs" part of the check-in
(account selection, place selection, bla bla), can be developed
separated from markers and bubbles stuff.

I think it only make sense to do a check in from your current location
actually. I know the designs doesn't reflect this (bit that's what I
remember me and Andreas agreeing on, Andreas?) and I know Zeeshan has some
other idea here.
We should decide here pretty soon I  think. Will bring it up in London.

Great work again and thanks for bringing this all up!

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