Re: Markers and Popovers

Great work Damián!

Moving this to the maps-list since I think it deserves to be public. If
you're not all subscribed yet, do it now please! :)

(Also please forward your previous replies and keep further discussion
on the list! :))

On ons, 2014-05-21 at 13:29 -0300, Damián Nohales wrote:
Hi guys,

I was racking my brain to get a class design for markers and popovers
in Maps. My idea is that the markers and popovers were versatile so
anyone can have the appearance that anyone wants, and that adding new
kind of markers could be neat and well separated from the other

That sounds good!

I think one thing missed here is where in the code and how render the
marker, there is a note in the top left of the diagram that explain
the problem and some differences in the current markers. Also is
missed some connection between the markers/popovers with the rest of
the UI components.

Please take a look on this, any suggestion will be appreciated.

Regarding the UML:
It was a while ago that I did any class diagram stuff (basically just
for a course some 7-8 years ago). 
But according to a reference I quickly read now[1]:
 + means public
 - means private
 # means protected

It would be great if you could state if the properties are part of the
API or not by adding -, + or # in front. 
Also some of the methods looks like they might be protected and not
private (like createPopover()). Also please add _ before the protected
and private methods (just so I can understand what you mean exactly :)) 

Some questions of the API:
1) why might a MapMarker have many markers? Is this actually when (for
example) userMarker has several actors? I think this could be solved by
just special casing userMarker and let it have an
AccuracyCircleActorSomething in it that is shown when the popover is
shown. No need to make this part of the API by having a markers field I
think (if it is, I didn't understand that really, see above).

2) If my thoughts are correct in §1, why not just let MapMarker inherit
from Champlain.Marker? Then you'd get set/get -reactive etc for free. 

3) regarding the current userLocation and mapLocation my guess is that
we would make them userMarker and mapMarker and then make a
searchResultMarker that inherits from mapMarker right? 

4) What is the positioning algorithm?

5) I'm not sure entirely how the overlay should come to the popover,
maybe add it back to the mapView and have it there as a property? Really
not sure.

1) I think you can drop the Generic in front of Poi{Marker, Popover}
2) MapMarkerPopover → MapPopover
3) Maybe replace all Popover-instances with Bubble instead, since then
we know that we're talking about the bubbles in the map and not the
popovers in the headerbar etc.

I think after this I'm going to start some test code based on the
Rishi branch, so POI can be taken into account during coding.

One possibility would be to instead take a stab at the
userLocation{marker, bubble}, it is directly related to the check-in
stuff in your project after all. 



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