Compiler Errors

Hi All,

I have installed libxml++ from below link:

1/ When i compile my code file using the command below (EX), It works fine :

g++  -g res_parser.cpp -o program `pkg-config --cflags --libs libxml++-2.6`

2/ But, when i run like below. It gives tons of errors.
g++  -g res_parser.cpp -o program

Few of the errors are below:

/usr/include/libxml++/validators/dtdvalidator.h:24: error: expected
‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘::’ token
/usr/include/libxml++/validators/dtdvalidator.h:25: error: expected
‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘::’ token
/usr/include/libxml++/validators/dtdvalidator.h:25: error:
‘xmlpp::DtdValidator::DtdValidator(int)’ cannot be overloaded
/usr/include/libxml++/validators/dtdvalidator.h:24: error: with
/usr/include/libxml++/validators/dtdvalidator.h:28: error: expected
‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘::’ token
/usr/include/libxml++/validators/dtdvalidator.h:29: error: expected
‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘::’ token
/usr/include/libxml++/validators/dtdvalidator.h:30: error: expected
‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘::’ token

Any idea as to why these errors are?

Thanks in Advance!

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