Re: Element creation

You just need to delete the document. The document's destructor deletes all the nodes in the document. The description of xmlpp::Node says: "You should never new or delete Nodes. The Parser will create and manage them for you." But actually it's the Document that deletes the nodes, even it the document has not been created by a parser.


2012-06-13 18:40, Jayashree skrev:

Thanks for your response. It works fine using the import_node.
I have another question. Does the document object deletes the memory
for all the child nodes, when it goes of our scope or do i need to keep
track of all the node pointers and delete it by myself?


On 06/13/2012 03:57 AM, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:
Elements and other nodes are supposed to belong to a document. I don't know if you can create "free-floating" elements, but even if it's possible, it's probably not a good idea.

My recommendation is that you let getAllNodes() build a document that contains the elements you want. It shall return xmlpp::Document*. Then use xmlpp::Node::import_node() to copy the elements to where you want them.

The example program shows how to use import_node(), and shows how to build a document from scratch. The document it builds contains a lot of stuff that you won't need in your document.


2012-06-12 22:58, Jayashree skrev:

I need to create a xml document and save it to a file.
I create the xml using the below code.

xmlpp::Document doc;
xmlpp::Element* pRootEle = doc.create_root_node("root");

xmlpp::Element* pNode = pRootEle->add_child("node1");
pNode->add_child_text("node1 data");

But i need to create a list of Elements in a function and directly add it
as a child to the root node. some thing like below.

list<Element *> eleList = getAllNodes();
foreach(Element ele in eleList)
    pRootEle -> add_child(ele);

How can i achieve it. I don't want to pass the rootnode to the function.


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