Re: Element creation

Elements and other nodes are supposed to belong to a document. I don't know if you can create "free-floating" elements, but even if it's possible, it's probably not a good idea.

My recommendation is that you let getAllNodes() build a document that contains the elements you want. It shall return xmlpp::Document*. Then use xmlpp::Node::import_node() to copy the elements to where you want them.

The example program shows how to use import_node(), and shows how to build a document from scratch. The document it builds contains a lot of stuff that you won't need in your document.


2012-06-12 22:58, Jayashree skrev:

I need to create a xml document and save it to a file.
I create the xml using the below code.

xmlpp::Document doc;
xmlpp::Element* pRootEle = doc.create_root_node("root");

xmlpp::Element* pNode = pRootEle->add_child("node1");
pNode->add_child_text("node1 data");

But i need to create a list of Elements in a function and directly add it
as a child to the root node. some thing like below.

list<Element *> eleList = getAllNodes();
foreach(Element ele in eleList)
    pRootEle -> add_child(ele);

How can i achieve it. I don't want to pass the rootnode to the function.


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