Re: Stability status of libxml++ 2.33.1

> Hi Murray,
> sorry to bother you again about the same issue. Libxml++ 2.33.1 is marked
> as
> unstable. Distributors are already lagging behind in libxml++ packaging
> and
> the unstable status actually makes them even less interested in updating
> it.
> As a modern libxml++ is critical to ensure lightspark stability could you
> please consider marking the release as "stable"? Some time as passed since
> the
> version was released and I've noticed no problems.

No, sorry, it's too big a change. I'd prefer to stick to our regular
release schedule as part of GNOME. Though it's no longer clear what
GNOME's release schedule is right now, of course.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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