Re: [libxml++] Also Have Problems with UTF-8 in Example Code: 'Glib::ConvertError'

On Tue, 2010-03-23 at 10:54 -0400, Nic Reveles gatech edu wrote:
> > It crashes with 'Glib::ConvertError'. Removing the UTF-8 characters fixes the problem, but obviously that's not a great solution. Also, if I do not attempt to 'cout' the field with UTF-8 characters, it also does not crash, but I need to output the field.

Yes, this was a problem with the use of std::cout in the examples, not
with the actual libxml++ implementation. You are not the first to notice
it and it has bothered me for a while.

I have committed a fix now that I've finally figured it out after
talking to Daniel Elstner:

It adds this code to the main() of all the examples:


murrayc murrayc com

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