Re: [libxml++] Glib::ustring and multi thread...


I fixed this problem by executing those lines at the beginning of the program.

����������� if(!Glib::thread_supported())


Don't you think that LibXml++ have to call thread_init?

On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 10:19, Fabian Jacquet <fabian jacquet gmail com> wrote:
Hi all,

I use libXML++ 2.18.1 in a multi thread program and some times I have "Access violation" error.
After lot of research it's seams to be this code which is not multi thread:
Glib::ustring myStr = "test";
if(myStr == "some str")
��� i = 0;

The debugger stop on the following line of the operator= of Glib::ustring

I think this code is not multi thread because if I run 6 thread which just do this (with events to be synchronised) I have the same error...

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