Re: [libxml++] maintained

On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 11:57 +0200, Fabian Jacquet wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm searching about a library to use XML in c++ and I found libxml++.
> I'm very interesting because I already use libxml.
> I saw on sourceforge than the last release was in 2003 but in the home
> page there is one in 2007. 

We don't do releases on sourceforge anymore. We use the GNOME ftp
servers, as linked on the libxml++ page.

I'm trying to hide the releases on the sourceforge page.

> I want to be sure this library is maintained before use it.

It is. It's an official GNOME Platform Binding module.

> Could someone confirm the library is maintained?
> If yes, why don't use sourceforg to store releases?

Because it's incredibly annoying to use.

We only use sourceforge for the website now, and we will probably move
that too sometime.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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