Re: [libxml++] Problem with namespaces ... BUG in libxml++

Hi list,

Matthias Wimmer schrieb:
> I have tracked down a bug I have in some code, that uses libxml++, and I
> am not sure if I found a bug in libxml++, or if I just expect the wrong
> behaviour from this library.

I just had some looks at the code of libxml++ and it is definetly a bug
in libxml++.

In libxml++/nodes/ in the method add_child() namespace handling
is switched off, if no namespace prefix has been given (i.e. if the
default namespace is used).
IMHO this is a bug and does not conform the the XML namespace
specification. Only attributes having no namespace prefix do not have a
namespace. Elements without a namespace prefix are not namespace-less,
but are in the default namespace.

Christophe and Murray, is there any change, that if I write a patch for
libxml++, that fixes this problem, that this would get into the official
libxml++ code? Else it seems, that it would be better for me not to use
libxml++ in my current project.

Tot kijk

Matthias Wimmer      Fon +49-700 77 00 77 70
Züricher Str. 243    Fax +49-89 95 89 91 56
81476 München

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