[libxml++] Problem with namespaces ...

Hi list,

I have tracked down a bug I have in some code, that uses libxml++, and I am not sure if I found a bug in libxml++, or if I just expect the wrong behaviour from this library.

The problem I have with libxml++ can be shown with the following code:

xmlpp::Document* xml_document = new xmlpp::Document;
xmlpp::Element* root_element = xml_document->create_root_node("stream",
    "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams";, "stream");
root_element->set_attribute("version", "1.0");
root_element->set_attribute("to", "example.com");

xmlpp::Element* message_element = root_element->add_child("message");
std::cout << "The namespace IRI of the message element is: '"
    << message_element->get_namespace_uri() << "'" << std::endl;

The output I get from this code is:

The namespace IRI of the message element is: ''

... but what I expected to get was:

The namespace IRI of the message element is: 'jabber:server'

When I serialize the document using the write_to_stream() method of Document, I correctly get the message element inside the namespace "jabber:server". But why then does the get_namespace_uri() method for this element return an empty string?

Tot kijk

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