Re: [libxml++] Bug in escaping of characters

On Tue, 2006-03-07 at 19:52 +0100, Loïc Joly wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> In the doc,, I read the following:
> The text. Note that the 5 predefined entities (&, ", <, &qt, TODO: What's the 5th one?) are always resolved, so this content will show their human-readable equivalents.

This is talking about resolving, which is unescaping, to get the
original text, such as " from &quot;.

> But after a test, it appears that :
> - the second character (") is not escaped

Here you are talking about escaping, to get the encoded text, such as
&quot; from ". That's the opposite direction.

> - the mysterious fifth character (') is not escaped either, it should be replaced by &apos;
> - In the doc, the fourth character (>) is displayed as &qt instead of >, but it is handled correctly in the code.
> I tried to look in the code, but the problem seems to be in libxml, not libxml++, and I do not know C.
> Best regards,

A small compilable test case might help us.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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