[libxml++] need help using libxml++

hi, i am new to libxml++ and i need a little help.
i already tried to use the code from the examples on the website but i dont get it work.

i have a xml file like that

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> 

not all nodes must be there, so i only want to read these values which are present and put these into strings.

i'd like to programm something like that (pseudo code):

foreach( xmlnode in rootnode.get_children() ) {
 if( xmlnode.name == "myvalue")
    myvalue == xmlnode.text;
 if( xmlnode.name == "timestamp")
    timestamp == xmlnode.text;
 if( xmlnode.name == "count")
    count == xmlnode.text;

could anyone help with that and colud give me a code snippet for that, please?

greets Christian
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